Sunday, November 30, 2008

How Natural Disasters can be helped by technology

Natural disasters can be helped by technology, it can be helped by flicker. It can also be helped by youtube because if a hurricane for an example comes then someone can take pictures and videos to put on the news so the people that live in that area can be warned instead of disasters happening and people dieng. This is how technology can be helping disasters. Another good site is called delicous there is a big range of pictures and alot of people are members so then you can put a warning so people can be are some pictures 

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Design CYCLE

In the design cycle you have to do certain steps and do them in order to make something like a robot. the first step of the design cycle is investigate, in the investigate we looked at robots. we found a various amount of information while we were looking at the investigation. the next step of the design cycle is planning, when you are planning you just find how and what you are going to create, then the next step is creating what you planned and because you investigated and planned you are now ready for the create. the last step of the design cycle is evaluate, in the evaluate you just reflect on the disadvantages and advantages of the whole project you are creating and you can also say what you have learnt and how it is useful in life.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Evaluation and Reflection

What worked well in this project?

Many things worked well in this projects. For an example, making win logo codes was very successful and we made, 2d, 3d and animations.

What did not work in this project?

There where some things that did not work well in this project and one of those things are, making programs for the robots that we where asked to do, another thing that did not work was robot lab, robot lab had a glitch was that we couldn't program a robot to do what we want the robot to do.

What could be improved?

Things in this project can be improved like the way you do things on the wiki spaces site, because may times it was lagging, and it is much harder to use unlike Microsoft word.

How can these things be improved?

Maybe the wiki spaces site can be changed so it is much easier to make blogs on the wiki space site. Changing the font and size was very confusing so if it was similar to the word Microsoft document. There should also be a save button because there where many times in the past where i lost most of my work, there is a save button but again the wiki spaces site is very slow and it is confusing when it asks me to recover a draft because either way you would loose your work and that is one of the biggest problem. there also is not a spelling check button and sometimes that is very useful because sometimes when people read the wiki we mean something and people don't understand something and plus, people are usually making mistakes on the wiki and other things will come up. one of the biggest problems on wiki is PUTTING PICTUES AND VIDEOS! that takes a very long time and it is confusing!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Reflection for investagation

For the past 10 days we have started a new unit that was all about robots and how to make one. at the beggining we started at figuring out what a robot is made out of. For that i wrote some information such as A robot is a machine that neds power that can go into places that a human example to proof that is it can stay underwater for as long as it can.a robot is a autonomous machine that doesnt neeed food but it needs also can be useful because it doesnt need to sleep but humans need to.another good thing about robots is that if you own a car company you dontneed to pay for the four things that make up a robot which are actuators,power, sensors and it needs a proceser. anothr thing i wrote is the three things of what robots are made up of, those three things are: Sensors are to inform about the environment and to let the robot know where to go.there are alot of diferent types of sensors such as line sensor, a line sensor only follows lines andsometimes it can get trapped inbetween a circle of lines.
Power:these are the wheelsA robot needs a battery so it can work, therefore the battery can besolar powered and energy powered but it will still make the robot moveso it can do what it needs to.Actuators:this is just control gear, levers, wheels, pulleys, and other outputdevices to keep the job going and done.Processorsthe processors can control the robot and basically tell the robot what action toperform depending on the sensors. it can be proximity sensors or white line sensors. disadvantges and advantages are:

  • Advantages
    that robots can go to places where humans cant go such as underwater and in space such as the mars rover.
    they can work with acuracy
    they can work as long as they have batterys
    they can work for a long time and you dont have to feed them
    they can work very quickly
    they can give people jobs such as when they controll it people can process them and deighn them there is a certian quality
    products will turn out the same and there wont be differences

  • Disadvantages
    people will lose jobs
    they are expensive
    sometimes malfunctions
    needs lots of care
    very sensitive robots
    there won t be anything rare or uniche
    some people will lose money

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


The design of our project made it better because with the animoto it looks like a professional video instead of a normal slideshow it is also more entertaining. A weakness of the presentation is that if the voice thread was public then you could not view it on your blog. An other weakness is that when the animoto stops it sometimes stops in a bad time which made our project worse. Strength for this project was that if you didn’t get an of information then you explain so much on the voice thread and then you can get a better mark on the presentation. The last strength was that you can go to your blog and put it on there for other people to see. It could have been improved by giving more information about how it could have been educational in a class room. I would recommend other students to do this unit because first it shows you how to use animoto and voice thread for other reasons. But I would also recommend only doing the voice thread and making it around 10 minutes long so they can have the chance of telling all the information they can say because we can’t.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


today we finished the voice thread and we showed the teacher and she made us fix it because there where a lot of problems for an example the pictures where not used in the class.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

voice thread

today we countinued our voice thread and we finished it and the teacher checked it and we changed it and we added more info to some pictures we hope we had convinced the techer to bring laptops to the school and we really need one.


Today we continued the animoto and we made a remix so it can look better and we added a new song for the background music. then we started the voice thread and we got pictures that laptops are used in class and we need it for school.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


laptops project

  1. the laptop can be used for science because we are learning about ecology and that has to do with food webs and graphs so we can search up sites that have to do withe food webs and graphs.
  2. no we can have partners and we can do the graphs in 2 section the 1st section does one on paper and the other does it on laptops and then the groups switch.
  3. there could be more activitys that are better than the teachers activitys.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

how i can use igoogle to support my learning at qa

i can learn about the history. i can play educational games. i can REASEARCH About anything if i have a project.i can talk to teachers for an example if i was absent and i need to know what happend if wwe had a test.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

check out my fun new i google!

u can now check out my new thing here is the name of the site it is very fun and cool!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My new ipod

My new ipod can be used for many things such as documents, educational vidos and for the songs it can be a way to learn arabic, french or spanish. But thats not what im gonna use it for the total opisite witch is music and music vidos. these are just sugeusstins of what you can use an ipod is for. here are some webs for it.